Wetlands and Livelihoods

A wetland is a land area that is saturated with water and has many aquatic plants growing in it. Some of these species like Typha are very fibrous in nature. Most of these species have a short life cycle. At the end of their life cycle these plants die and fall into the water creating large amounts of organic matter that decomposes and contaminates the water. These plants are also harvested for use either as fodder for livestock or composted by farmers. They are also used for making products for daily use, such as baskets, mats, etc.

Craft Space at Durgadahalli, works with communities and NGOs to train them to make products using materials such as Typha, banana and other wetland species.
A few of us from Biome and MAPSAS visited Craft Space to understand the work they do and see if such livelihood activities could be adopted at our lakes in Bengaluru.
Following our visit, a workshop to make such products was held at Kaikondrahalli Lake. Craft Space set up a stall at the Kere Habba conducted at Kaikondrahalli Lake following the workshop.