Biome Environmental Trust (Biome) is an initiative to facilitate and foster ecological architecture, rainwater harvesting and other environmentally and socially responsible practices in land use and water sourcing, supply, usage, treatment and management. Biome Environmental Trust’s work is intended to bridge practice to policy and inform policy with insights from practice. Biome’s work approach is multi-stakeholder – involving communities, government agencies, research institutions, technology players, and informal sector services. Its work encompasses project implementation, public education, research, policy advocacy and various forms of capacity building. We partnered with WHO for SSP (Sanitation Safety Planning) in Devanahalli and NCBS for wastewater surveillance during COVID-19. GoK regularly invites us for policy formulation and consultation. We are regularly invited by GoK’s Urban and Rural Development department for capacity building of urban local bodies (ULBs) and panchayats. The founder-trustee of Biome Environmental Trust is on the technical committee of BWSSB. Biome Trust won the Transformative Cities Award in 2022.
Trustees: Vishwanath Srikantaiah
Chitra Vishwanath

We ideate, incubate and catalyse uptake of ideas that contribute to and strengthen
- ecological sustainability
- environmentally and socially just water and land-use change and management
While doing so, in our processes we strive to
- achieve financial / economic sustainability
- co-create value with all stakeholders
- ensure shared and differentiated responsibility across stakeholders
- open-source relevant knowledge
We do this by reaching out to
- people working on the ground (well diggers, plumbers, etc)
- communities affected by water issues
- communities invested in implementing water conservation approaches and by understanding the interrelationships to bring about solutions based on a confluence of disciplines
Awards and Fellowships

- Million Wells for Bengaluru campaign wins the Transformative Cities People’s Choice Award 2021-22 in the water category
- Shubha Ramachandran from Biome is a winner at the BENGALURU WOMAN ACHIEVERS AWARD 2022
- Biome Trust gets second place in FICCI Water Awards.
- Winning the Impactathon 2019 for problem solving using tech innovations
- Kiran Kumar Sen and Shreyas S of Biome won the Wipro Sustainability Seeding Fellowship for 2017
- Vishwanath Srikantaiah: Rainwaterclub won the Namma Bengaluru award in 2010 in the category of Private Institutions
We ideate, incubate and catalyse uptake of ideas that contribute to and strengthen:
- ecological sustainability
- environmentally and socially just water and land-use change and management
While doing so, in our processes we strive to
- achieve financial / economic sustainability
- co-create value with all stakeholders
- ensure shared and differentiated responsibility across stakeholders
- open-source relevant knowledge
We do this by reaching out to
- people working on the ground (well diggers, plumbers, etc)
- communities affected by water issues
- communities invested in implementing water conservation approaches and by understanding the interrelationships to bring about solutions based on a confluence of disciplines
Awards and Fellowships

- Shubha Ramachandran from Biome is a winner at the BENGALURU WOMAN ACHIEVERS AWARD 2022.
- Biome Trust gets second place in FICCI Water Awards.
- Winning the Impactathon 2019 for problem solving using tech innovations.
- Kiran Kumar Sen and Shreyas S of Biome won the Wipro Sustainability Seeding Fellowship for 2017.
- Vishwanath Srikantaiah : Rainwaterclub, won the Namma Bengaluru award in 2010 in the category of Private Institutions.
Biome Environmental Trust (Biome) is an initiative to facilitate and foster ecological architecture, rainwater harvesting and other environmentally and socially responsible practices in land use and water sourcing, supply, usage, treatment and management. Biome Environmental Trust’s work is intended to bridge practice to policy and inform policy with insights from practice. Biome’s work approach is multi-stakeholder - involving communities, government agencies, research institutions, technology players, and informal sector services. Its work encompasses project implementation, public education, research, policy advocacy and various forms of capacity building. We partnered with WHO for SSP (Sanitation Safety Planning) in Devanahalli and NCBS for wastewater surveillance during COVID-19. GoK regularly invites us for policy formulation and consultation. We are regularly invited by GoK’s Urban and Rural Development department for capacity building of urban local bodies (ULBs) and panchayats. The founder-trustee of Biome Environmental Trust is on the technical committee of BWSSB. Biome Trust won the Transformative Cities Award in 2022.
Vishwanath Srikantaiah
Chitra Vishwanath

We ideate, incubate and catalyse uptake of ideas that contribute to and strengthen:
- ecological sustainability
- environmentally and socially just water and land-use change and management
While doing so, in our processes we strive to
- achieve financial / economic sustainability
- co-create value with all stakeholders
- ensure shared and differentiated responsibility across stakeholders
- open-source relevant knowledge
We do this by reaching out to
- people working on the ground (well diggers, plumbers, etc)
- communities affected by water issues
- communities invested in implementing water conservation approaches and by understanding the interrelationships to bring about solutions based on a confluence of disciplines
Awards and Fellowships

- Million Wells for Bengaluru campaign wins the Transformative Cities People’s Choice Award 2021-22 in the water category
- Shubha Ramachandran from Biome is a winner at the BENGALURU WOMAN ACHIEVERS AWARD 2022
- Biome Trust gets second place in FICCI Water Awards
- Winning the Impactathon 2019 for problem solving using tech innovations
- Kiran Kumar Sen and Shreyas S of Biome won the Wipro Sustainability Seeding Fellowship for 2017
- Vishwanath Srikantaiah: Rainwaterclub won the Namma Bengaluru award in 2010 in the category of Private Institutions